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Bookcase installation

In the large metal bookcase that participates in the project in this beautiful flat in Rio de Janeiro, we appropriated a certain part by inserting blocks, volumes and shapes created from half a ton of natural clay, selected in its clear and soft tones and nuances with the sand from the beaches of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Each piece was sculpted by hand as a singular piece, some torn showing the bowels of the earth, others with applications that refer to the history of the family that inhabits the place. We applied reliefs that subtly suggest some important dates, initials of their names, airport codes of the cities in the world where they lived, the footprints of Tango, the dog. Or alchemical symbols representing water, earth, fire and air, important for this family that lives time, nature and places in an intense and full way.

Place: Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Rio de Janeiro
Client: Yamagata architecture

1 . 2022

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